Press Release

  • 27/09/2024 | Le Dauphiné Liberé | La commune choisi pour une étude sur les chauves-souris. Read more >>

  • 03/05/2024 | IRBIO Universitat de Barcelona | OneBAT investigates virus transmission in bats to prevent potential pandemics.  Read more >>

  • 10/01/2024 | Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimenatale delle Venezie | OneBAT. A One Health approach to the study and prevention of bat-borne viral emergencies. Read more >>

  • 14/12/2023 | SIVeMP  Veneto – Sindacato Italiano Veterinari Medicina Pubblica | Zoonosi dai pipistrelli, IzsVe lancia OneBAT: approccio per prevenire emergenze virali.  Read more >>

  • 01/12/2023 | CORDIS EU | One Health approach to understand, predict and prevent viral emergencies from bats. Read more >>

Conference Abstracts

  • 09/06/2024 – 12/06/2024 | 9th International Conference on Emerging Zoonoses, Palermo, ITALY | EVOLUTION, ECOLOGY AND THE RISK ASSESSMENT OF LLOVIU CUEVAVIRUS, A POTENTIALLY ZOONOTIC FILOVIRUS IN EUROPE

    Authors: Gabor Kemenesi, Zsófia Lanszki, Ágota Ábrahám, Sándor A. Boldogh, Simon Scott, Nigel Temperton, Edward Wright, Pierre Nouvellet, Stefania Leopardi, Paola Di Benedictis, Adam Hume, Elke Mühlberger, Levente Sipos-Szabó, Dávid Bajusz, Heliana Dundarova, SziláRD Lehel Bücs, Branka Bajić, Ivana Budinski, Štefan Matis, Tamás Görföl

    Conference Abstrct >>

Scientific Publications